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an introduction to Medeo messaging

An Introduction to MEDEO Messaging


Davisville Family Practice will be transitioning to use Medeo for secure patient messaging. With this system, our office is able to send you secure online messages. Our old office email addresses will no longer be active.

Types of messages you may receive include specialist appointment information, lab or imaging requisitions, invoices for non insured services, and reminders for preventative health care. Messages from our clinic will be sent from either our reception, nurse, or your physician.

You must have consented to receive emails from our office. If you have not already done so, please complete the email consent form on our website here.

Medeo works with the email address you provided our office. We recommend using a personal email account instead of a work email account.

•           All members of your family need their own email address and account. We recommend creating a Gmail account for each of your children (including newborns and toddlers).

•           Our office is using Medeo for secure patient messaging only at this time and not for online booking or video visits.

How MEDEO works

•           Here is a helpful link on how to view a secure message with Medeo :

How to view a secure message

•           You’ll receive an email notification from Medeo when our office sends a secure message.

•           The notification could say:

              "You have a new secure message from Davisville Family Practice in Medeo"


•           Please check your junk mail if you were expecting a message and did not receive it. Click the button that says "View Secure Message”

•           This link takes you to Medeo Virtual Care. You will be asked to either Sign-up or Log-in.

•           The Medeo dashboard provides recent activity including your new message.

•           Our office will determine if you can reply to the message or not. If a reply is requested, you can upload photos or documents as necessary.

•           Our office will end the message thread when complete.


Helpful Medeo resources:

•           Browser and system requirements

•           Medeo customer support line 1-800-438-1277


Troubleshooting tips:

•           If you forget your Medeo password, click the “Forgot Password?” button on the Medeo login page. Please do not try to sign up again with a different email address.

•           If you were sent a requisition, form, or handout, you may have better success retrieving it using a computer rather than a portable device like a phone or tablet.



Phone: (416)932-3172 | Fax: (416)440-0238

Monday to Thursday 8:30pm - 5:00pm

Friday 8:30am - 2:00pm

closed on all statutory holidays

After-Hours Clinic

Phone: (416) 231-7226

Monday to Thursday 5:00pm - 8:00pm

Saturday 9:00am - 6:00pm

*Please call to confirm weekend hours

**The clinic for urgent issues only, and if your regular doctor is unavailable.

© 2021 by Davisville Family Practice
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